
A dermaplane facial involves the use of a sterile surgical scalpel that is run across the face in short upward strokes at a 45-degree angle scraping the skin. What this does is remove dead skin cells and vellus hairs (peach fuzz).

Treatment Results

Dermaplane treatments last about 20-30 minutes. The area to be treated will be cleaned, and then sterile blade will be used to gently exfoliate your skin. No anesthesia is needed. The sloughed off skin cells and “peach fuzz” will be gently wiped away at the end of the procedure – revealing a fresh, vibrant skin surface.

Initial benefits from dermplane treatments are immediately apparent. However, optimal results require regular maintenance treatments. It took many years for your skin to lose its vitality, and it takes time to regenerate new cells.

Treatment Recovery

Because dermaplaning is non-invasive it has a low risk of complications and is one of the safest skin rejuvenation procedures available. Typical care following your treatment includes the use of moisturizers and sunscreens, and avoiding sun exposure for a few days. There is no downtime for this procedure, and most people return to their regular activities immediately.